Wednesday 16 March 2011


New fashion based pieces. Simple and straightforward, that's what I like at the moment. Just images.

Yes, I posed for this one.

No, I don't know this lady, she's from an older post at The Sartorialist. Still nice though, huh?

Last week I read a book on the philosophy of Aesthetics. I decided to buy the book in hopes of improving my understanding of the visual arts and maybe get an insight into what I myself am trying to do.
I'm sure I understood the most of it, but it tied my brain in knots at the same time. What did help me was learning that most theories and conclusions were drawn by critics upon looking at and examining a piece of artwork. They were all retrospectively formed theories.
I realise that I'm more concerned with the creative process and idea conception. I often worry myself with what a piece will mean before I've even put pencil to paper, and what it may say about me as a person. On reflection, I'm just going to churn them out and worry about any meanings and implications later, if at all.
Here's to more of the same!

Digging - Forty Ounce Clothing

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